Although English is widely spoken in Bali, it's nice to know and be able to recognise some basic words and phrases in the local language for your travels.
The official language of Bali is Bahasa Indonesia, also known as Indonesian, although Balinese is also spoken. Most citizens also speak English, especially in hotels, shops and restaurants. Below are some basic words in Indonesian:
- Hello
- Halo
- Goodbye
- Dahh
- Good morning
- Selamat pagi
- Good night
- Selamat sore
- Yes
- Ya
- No
- Tidak
- Please
- Silahkan
- Thank you
- Terima kasih
- You're welcome
- Kembali
- Starter
- Hidangan pembuka
- Ice cream
- Es
- Milk
- Susu
- Tea
- Teh
- Cooked
- Matang
- Fried
- Goreng
- Salt
- Garam
- Pepper
- Lada
- Onion
- Bawang
- Garlic
- Bawang putih
- Prawns
- Udang
- Vegetables
- Kehijauan
- Fish
- Ikan
- Lamb
- Daging domba
- Chicken
- Ayam
- Pork
- Babi
- Fruit
- Buah
- The bill
- Akun
Days of the week
- Monday
- Senin
- Tuesday
- Selasa
- Wednesday
- Rabu
- Thursday
- Kamis
- Friday
- Jumat
- Saturday
- Sabtu
- Sunday
- Minggu
- One
- Satu
- Two
- Dua
- Three
- Tiga
- Four
- Empat
- Five
- Lima
- Six
- Enam
- Seven
- Tujuh
- Eight
- Delapan
- Nine
- Sembilan
- Ten
- Sepuluh